How do I buy something on Indonor?
In order to buy something on Indonor, users must have an Indonesian address as Indonor does not provide international delivery.
- On the product page, you can discuss the details of the chosen item with the seller at the “Ask Question” at the bottom of the product page, click “Add to Cart” to save the product in the Shopping Cart or “Buy Now” to place an order directly.
- After selecting the items, you can manage their quantity at the Shopping Cart.
- When you are ready to finish the search click the “CHECKOUT” button at the Shopping Cart.
- Enter or edit your delivery address.
- Choose your shipping option
- Select your preferred payment method and tap on “Proceed to Payment”
- Verify your phone number/email before purchasing the item if you have not.
- Check the mail for information about your shipping details.
In case of delay/not arriving/wrong or damaged item please contact the seller and/or our support team.
How do I start selling on Indonor?
Firstly, do ensure that:
- Your phone number has been verified on Indonor
- Product(s) you intend to sell are suitable for our platform.
- In your Profile menu choose “Login as a Seller”
- Insert your login and password to proceed to managing your store
- Click the User icon
in the upper right corner and choose “Edit Profile”
- Make sure you’ve filled all the important information about your shop
- Using the main menu (on the left) you can manage your store info, messages and reviews etc.
- To add a new product to your store go to Shop – Product Catalogue and click the “+New” button in the upper right corner. Fill in all the important characteristics. Describe your product as detailed as possible, attach photos. Here you can also edit and delete the information about your items.
- When someone buys your product you’ll get the notification. Payment made by the buyer will first go to the Guarantee account. Once the buyer has confirmed that he/she has received the product or once the Guarantee period ends, the payment will be released to your Seller Wallet.
In case of any problem or if you want to ask some questions and get more detailed information about anything please contact our support team.